Zip Wire

Zip through the air at an exhilarating speed on this excellent activity. Starting at the highest point, you’re transported over the lake and through trees towards the landing zone. With 300 metres of zip wire, there’s plenty of time to take in the breath-taking view that unfolds on the way down – if you’re brave enough to keep your eyes open!

Available at:
Whithaugh Park

Frontier Centre

Learning Outcomes

New skills

Whatever the skill, be it learning how to kayak, lighting a fire using friction or skills on the bike track, learning something new can boost confidence in a young person. This shows them that learning can be fun and equips them with the drive and motivation to want to learn more.

Managing risk/Developing resilience

The ability to bounce back and thrive after disappointment or unmet expectations. Through our activities, we give children and young people a chance to view setbacks as learning opportunities. Evaluating and planning helps a young person to think calmly and positively about a setback and helps build their confidence to try again.


Children and young people really come on in leaps and bounds on our residentials. Being away from home in a different environment, having to rely on their peers, trying new activities and finding their place within their group, gives a real boost to their confidence. They find skills they didn’t know they had.

Trust/Stronger relationships

Trust building activities help teams develop a level of understanding about their fellow group members and builds confidence in individuals as they learn to trust one another throughout their tasks.

Conquering personal challenges/Overcoming fears

To think positively about tackling new challenges. The ability to take on challenges and overcome fears will help develop a “can do” approach to life. We give groups the chance to take on challenges in a safe affirming environment. It teaches life skills such as perseverance and resilience.