Snowdon Horseshoe Adventure Challenge

Our 23 first year trainees will be hiking the Snowdon Horseshoe to raise awareness and to support the work of Rock UK.

This year our incredible trainee instructors will be running events and raising funds to transform young lives through outdoor adventure at Rock UK.  In April, our 23 first year trainees will be hiking the Snowdon Horseshoe to raise awareness and to support the work of Rock UK.

This hike covers five summits, gaining a height of 1,012m and a distance of 11.6km. The team will tackle this challenge in two groups on two separate days between 16th and 18th April.

Starting their journey with an overnight camp and then straight onto the traverse of Crib Goch. This knife-edge ridge offers the wildest and most exciting way up Wales’ highest peak. The knee-wobbling exposure and the risk of veering off-path makes it both more thrilling and more hazardous than other routes.

Once they make it over the scramble, they will head to crib-y-Ddysgl and onto the summit of Snowdon. If the weather conditions are in their favour from this 1,085m platform the team should be able to see England, Scotland, Ireland and the Isle of Man. This is the highest point in their challenge, where the team will start their descents hiking over Y Lliwedd and finally finishing on their fifth summit Lliwedd Bach at 818m high.

A Carroty Wood trainee, said: “We really enjoyed learning and experiencing scrambling during our training. Taking on the Crib Goch is an exciting but daunting challenge.”

Each trainee is aiming to raise £500 to support the work of Rock UK. To support this challenge please visit our campaign page

Find out more about our Instructor Training Programme