What do pupils learn on an outdoor residential?

We’ve summarised the top skills children and young people gain from an outdoor residential.

We’ve summarised the top skills our young visitors learn during an outdoor residential – whether that’s an action-packed week away for Year 6 pupils or an overnight or day visit for younger pupils.

Across our four adventure centres, we welcome 60,000 visitors each year, including over 400 schools. Outdoor adventure activities help to build fitness and promote physical wellbeing. They also help with concentration, improve teamwork and communication skills. Many activities allow for personal development too, helping children and young people realise their potential, build confidence and self-esteem.


Boost Confidence

“I learnt how to be confident when I am faced with a challenge.” Pupil from Prior Rose School

Confidence is the biggest change we see in pupils. Children and young people really come on in leaps and bounds on our residentials. Being away from home in a different environment, having to rely on their peers, trying new activities and finding their place within their group, gives a real boost to their confidence.



“I learnt how to try and have a go at everything.” Pupil from Langley Hall Primary Academy

Resilence is about being able to bounce back and thrive after disappointment or unmet expectations. Through our activities, we give children and young people a chance to view setbacks as learning opportunities. Evaluating and planning helps a young person to think calmly and positively about a setback and helps build their confidence to try again.


Team Work

“I loved working as part of a team, working with people I didn’t really know that well.” Student from Emmanuel College

We have a range of instructed activities that are designed to get groups working together through challenging team dynamics, they will have to work together to achieve certain tasks and challenges, developing listening skills, communication and trust within the group. They get a better understanding of their classmates, which aids development.


Problem Solving

“I learnt how to use different natural materials to build a shelter.” Pupil from Croeserw Primary

Outdoor activities such as orienteering and bushcraft involve working out a strategy to achieve the best solution to a problem. This teaches children and young people how to evaluate a situation, plan a strategy of execution and then execute that strategy.



“I really enjoyed Walk the Plank, because children put a lot of trust in me to lead the way and help them to make it across to the other side. I put a lot of trust in them for the same reason.” Pupil from All Saints School

Trust building activities like ‘Walk the Plank’ help teams develop a level of understanding about their fellow group members and builds confidence in individuals as they learn to trust one another throughout their tasks.


Overcome fears

“I have now learnt to do high ropes.  I was scared before because it looked very very high but now I have conquered my fear.” Pupil from Langley Hall Primary Academy

Watching our young visitors overcome fears is very rewarding. Children and young people are encouraged to think positively about tackling new challenges. The ability to take on challenges and overcome fears helps to develop a ‘can do’ approach to life.


Communication skills

“He communicates better with staff and expresses himself better.” Group Leader, Endeavour Academy

We’ve developed a range of activities where groups have to learn to communicate and listen to one another to ensure tasks are completed successfully.


Find out more about our school residential trips and download our schools brochure.